doesn't want to do it

I am a widow, He was married. We fell in love. He got a divorce. He moved in with me. All is going well. We are really good together. We're happy together.The thing is, its been 7 years and he doesn't want to get married. Said he's done that and it didn't work out. So he doesn't want to do it again. I do. It's not like it would change much. or anything for that matter. But sometimes i begin to feel insecure and i think maybe he would just walk away. Thats on me i know. I am insecure. I would just like to feel more secure. With that piece of paper. Sometimes i think maybe i'm not good enough to marry. Some thing about me is wrong. But reality comes in and says its probably his hangups. I just wish i could know for sure.

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Date Posted
04. May 2009