
Love: it's really all about love. Find love within thyself, give thanks for what you have and do not feel regret for what you do not have. Breathe. Take in love from all around. Project love outwards towards others. Love everyone. Do not use the word Hate. Don't use the word Try. Just act. Act with love. Help others every day. Find things in others you admire. Don't dwell on pity for others. Learn and grow and help others find their way. Keep your promises or just don't make them. Someone loves you more than you know. Love the earth and its plants and animals. Eat organic. Reduce your intake of meat. Buy plants and talk to them. Nurture them. Give your pet (if you don't have one - get one) an extra hug today. Thank your pet for taking care of you. Tell someone in your life why you love them. Tell someone who has hurt you that you forgive them. Breathe. Get plenty of sleep. Stay active. Stretch your muscles regularly. Smile even when you dont feel like it. Remember God loves you so much. Imagine life without war and famine and poverty and materialism. Find strength within yourself. Love yourself. Go to bed happy and grateful for a full day. Smile when you pray. End your day with love. Start all over again.

Viewed 2263 Times
Date Posted
23. February 2009